Fall into Wellness: 7 Essential Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing as the Weather Cools

Fall into Wellness: 7 Essential Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing as the Weather Cools


As the crisp fall breeze moves in, your skin needs a little extra TLC to stay hydrated, radiant, and healthy. Switch to a thicker moisturizer, add exfoliation to the routine, don’t forget sunscreen (yes, even in fall!), and boost your hydration with a good serum. Here are seven skincare tips to help you transition seamlessly into autumn and keep your skin glowing.

It’s that time of year again—pumpkin spice is everywhere, the leaves are turning gorgeous shades of orange and red, and the air is getting crisp. But as much as we love fall sweaters and cozy boots, that drop in temperature can really mess with our skin. Dry, flaky, irritated skin, anyone? No thanks!

So, what’s the secret to having dewy, hydrated skin even when the weather decides to turn on us? Buckle up because we’re diving into seven key ways to prep your skin for cooler days. Spoiler: it’s easier (and more fun) than you think.

1. Switch to a Richer Moisturizer

Summer moisturizers are like those lightweight sundresses—perfect for hot, sticky days. But when fall rolls around, it’s time to swap them out for something a bit cozier. A thicker, cream-based moisturizer is your new best friend, offering that extra cushion of hydration your skin is crying out for.

Pro Tip: Look for moisturizers with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or glycerin. They help lock in moisture, which is exactly what you need when the air gets dry. Think of it like switching from iced coffee to a hot latte—both keep you going, but one’s just better suited for the season.

For color, checkout this gorgeous 4-tone ceramide-rich cheek and lip balm: https://bestinwellness.com/products/fitglow-beauty-multi-use-ceramide-cream-lip-cheek-palette

2. Exfoliate, But Don’t Overdo It

With summer's dead skin cells still hanging around, fall is the perfect time to exfoliate and start fresh. But be careful not to scrub your face raw! (Seriously, no one needs that red, irritated look.)

Use a gentle exfoliant, like a mild scrub or an enzyme-based exfoliator, about 2-3 times a week. Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and lets your new, glowy skin shine through. It also ensures that all those fancy moisturizers and serums actually penetrate your skin instead of sitting on top.

Hypothetical example: Imagine trying to paint a wall that's covered in dust. You'd just be layering paint over the grime, right? Same thing with skincare. Exfoliate, so your skin can actually soak up all the good stuff!  

A great exfoliator we love is the Earth Harbor Glow Mask for gentle exfoliation and skin clarity.  

3. Don't Ditch the SPF

Just because it’s no longer 90 degrees and sunny doesn’t mean you can put away the sunscreen. UV rays don’t hibernate, even if you want to. Fall sunlight can still damage your skin, cause premature aging (ugh), and lead to dark spots.

So, keep wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day. Yes, even when it’s cloudy. (I know, we’re all secretly hoping that clouds would do us a solid, but alas.)  We recommend a non-tox option developed by a toxicologist to deliver all the protection and none of the nasties found in sunscreen!

4. Add a Hydrating Serum

If your skin’s feeling a little Sahara-desert dry, adding a hydrating serum can make all the difference. Serums are like those little superhero capes for your skincare routine. They’re lightweight but packed with powerful ingredients.

Hyaluronic acid-based serums are fantastic at drawing moisture into the skin. Add it underneath your moisturizer for that extra boost of hydration. It’s like layering blankets on your bed—one might be good, but two or three? Now you’re cozy.

5. Watch Out for Hot Showers

I get it—there’s nothing better than a steamy shower when the weather starts to cool down. But here’s the thing: super-hot water is a total moisture thief. It strips your skin of its natural oils, leaving it dry and itchy. Not the fall glow you were going for, right?

Stick to lukewarm showers, and if you absolutely need that heat fix, try to keep it short. And remember to moisturize immediately after showering to lock in the water that’s still on your skin.

6. Don’t Forget Your Lips

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had dry, cracked lips in fall. (Yep, me too.) The skin on your lips is much thinner than the rest of your face, so it tends to dry out faster. Be sure to use a lip balm with hydrating ingredients like shea butter or beeswax.

Bonus tip: Exfoliate your lips! Use a gentle lip scrub or even just a soft toothbrush to slough off dead skin. Then slather on that balm like it’s your job.

We love FitGlow's overnight healing lip treatment that is non-tox, so you can be confident you are softening your lips without introducing nasty chemicals that end up in your system while you sleep: 

7. Boost Your Diet with Skin-Friendly Foods

You can’t talk about skincare without mentioning what you put into your body. Fall is the perfect time to load up on foods rich in antioxidants, healthy fats, and vitamins. Foods like pumpkin (hello, more PSL!), squash, and sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A—great for skin repair and regeneration.

Also, make sure you’re getting enough omega-3s from sources like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed. They help keep your skin barrier strong and prevent it from drying out in the cooler weather. Hydrate from the inside out!  If you need some extra support, you can trust Puori for the purest Omegas out there! 

Final Thoughts

Your fall skincare routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Think of it like changing your wardrobe. You wouldn’t wear flip-flops in the snow, right? The same goes for skincare. As the weather cools down, you just need to adjust your routine to fit the season—heavier moisturizers, exfoliation, and a good serum are your new essentials.

And don’t forget the SPF! Your future self (the one without the premature wrinkles) will thank you.

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